Naffirmations was created to remind people that not all affirming is positive. This video represents the dark side. It's about all those negative expressions that we say without really thinking about what they mean, or how they might be affecting our lives.

P.S. After watching the video, you can always cheer yourself up by reading some positive affirmations at our Affirm Your Life blog :)


  1. Watching Che's video certainly brings home the point about needing positive affirmations in your life - certainly an eye opener.

  2. Thanks for commenting. Now my only problem is how to reach the people who need this message most. Unfortunately most of my Twitter followers are already converted. All suggestions welcome :)

  3. Che, I have tried to help others change their lives, by changing their thinking, what they confess and what they do to improve, but you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. All you can do is put out good advice and hope for the best. Certain individuals will act on your wisdom, so it's always worthhile to try to help others.

  4. I will send to my teenagers friends. When I hear them say a naffirmation, I have them change it immediately. They are catching on! Another one I have changed is "you should" because in my opinion it tells them they made the wrong decision. Instead I use "you might want to consider." The video is a great way to get the message out! Loved watching it. Keep up the great work.

  5. Hello Che,

    I think first of all we need lightning up with a dream and our visualization will become the truth after all (positive) affirmations written down perfectly in the sub-conscious right?

    I'd love to spread the word about your affirmation blogs.

    Kind regards

  6. Hello Che Garman I could´t see the video at this moment,but I really apreciate all your good intentions and messages. I like to read your tweets because it makes me learn every day...Greetings from venezuela.!!!! (twtr-Glenmusic)

  7. thanks for the are in regards

  8. Thanks to all for the varied comments. I appreciate that the Naffirmations video is a bit "in your face" in design. This was intentional though. I think that people really need to take negative self talk a lot more seriously. Why program the mind for failure when it's just as easy to program it for success :)
